12 and Under Pathway

Energetic coaches teach the basics of the game and stroke fundamentals. Classes are designed for players to learn the game of tennis in a fun, stress-free environment. The appropriate ball and court size are tailored to each player’s needs. Please scroll down to learn more about our age-specific class offerings and to find registration links.

Questions? Check out our Junior FAQ page or contact Andrea Claassen

Winter Session 2: March 3 - April 13

registration opens February 3 for patrons, and Februrary 10 for non-patrons.

To view Winter Session 2 classes & prices, click the registration links below!

Prices reflect one class per week.

Winter Session 1: January 6 - March 2

registration opens December 9 for patrons, and December 16 for non-patrons.

To view Winter Session 1 classes & prices, click the registration links below!

Prices reflect one class per week.

If a class is full, please contact the front desk or Andrea Claassen to be added to the waitlist.

6U (6 & Under)

Minimum age is 5 years. The focus is on athletic development using the age-appropriate 36’ court and Red ball. This will help set the stage for their development as tennis players and athletes. Energetic coaches teach the fundamentals of the game through ‘Games Based” practices. There is no additional cost for non-members. *Recommended racket size is 19"

No class on Friday, January 10 due to coach training.

8U (8 & Under)

Minimum age is 7 years. Students continue to build on their athletic development using the age-appropriate 36’ court and Red ball. Emphasis will be on rally skills, but players will also begin basic technique work through a ‘Games Based” approach to skill development. *Recommended racket size 19”-23”

No class on Friday, January 10 due to coach training.

10U (10 & UNDER)

Minimum age is 9 years. Emphasis on proper stroke mechanics and rally skills on a 60’ court with an orange ball. *Recommended racket size 23”-25”

10U Advanced (NEW)

Minimum age is 9 years. Emphasis on footwork, rally skills, and racket technique on a 60’ court with an orange ball. Designed for eager tennis players attending classes at least twice per week.*

Prerequisites include:

  • Have some prior tennis and/or athletic experience

  • Be excited about tennis and willing to work hard on the fundamentals

12U (12 & UNDER)

Minimum age is 11 years. Emphasis on proper stroke mechanics and rally skills on a 78’ court with orange or green balls.

12U Advanced

Minimum age is 11 years. Emphasis on building the consistency of their rally skills, appropriate stroke mechanics, and use of tactics during play. Players will be training on a combination of the orange and green dot balls as deemed appropriate by coaches. Designed for eager tennis players attending classes at least twice per week.

Prerequisites include:

  • Register for at least two classes per week

  • Have some prior tennis and/or athletic experience

  • Be excited about tennis and willing to work hard on the fundamentals

FWTEC will not provide make-up classes or account credit for individual dates missed during a program session (i.e., a player misses a class due to an illness, school, or family event).

Saturday Match Play for 10U/12U Players

Register on a week-by-week basis. These 90-minute sessions will allow players to take what they have learned in their weekly classes and apply it to matches.